Call me Aries, or don’t call me at all.
Here to be ultra-feminine, ultra-critical, and ultra-annoying.
Send me a message!
Who Am I?
Tea Enthusiast
Retail employee
Enjoyer of Solitude
Darling Girl
Dancer in Haitus
Questions for the culture:
How are you coping?
If you could move to any part of the world right now with no strings attached, where would it be?
How excited are you for Eusexua on a scale of 1-10?
stay a while <3
stay a while <3
January 2025 In’s and Out’s
Getting Your Flu Shot
Financial Wellness
Sleeping In
Copious Amounts of Screen Time
English Breakfast Tea
Being Mean
Windowless Rooms
The Desire to Consume
Twin Beds
Shitty Friends
Pillows With No Neck Support
What’s new?
Journal Entry #7: Where Is Your Fire?
New in reviews: Album Girl Summer!
Why did you start this?
I had a lot to say and nowhere to say it. I was like a town crier, with no town. Ariesx, erected in December 2022, is my town.
What’s the vibe?
Find out by listening to my perfectly curated blog browsing playlist!
What should I expect?
What started as a public writing journal has transformed into a collection of short personal essays, each detailing a new growth or feeling I’ve experienced. It’s my most used section and probably my favorite, I put a lot of time and care into it.
“Poetry” and Prose
Poetry, Prose, Fiction, and Non-Fiction. Anything I write creatively will be posted here. So far it’s almost exclusively pieces I’ve written for class and felt proud enough to share, but I plan to write things exclusively for the Poetry and Prose section soon.
Things I’ve written for class that revolve around theory. A dumping ground for the rare pieces of academia I’m proud of.
Every once and a while I expand on a review I started on either my letterboxd or my Goodreads let it live here. I also link all the reviews I do for outside sources here.
Some Of My Favorite Teas (very important)